Video of the Karatepraxis semi­nar in Seat­tle

The first Karatepraxis Semi­nar at Kris Wilder’s West Seat­tle Kara­te Aca­de­my, was a gre­at expe­ri­ence for me. I met awe­so­me peo­p­le and we had a lot of “cont­act” on the mat.

The video will give you a glim­pse of what we did.… We just enjoy­ed kata appli­ca­ti­on based on PAT (Prin­ci­pals, Alter­na­ti­ves, Tac­tics).

Plea­se like, share and com­ment the video and make sure to sub­scri­be to Kris Wilder’s You­Tube chan­nel.