Ano­ther Video from the Karatepraxis Seat­tle-Semi­nar

By fol­lo­wing this Insta­gram link you will find ano­ther short video from the semi­nar at Kris Wilder’s West Seat­tle Kara­te Aca­de­my. You’ll see peo­p­le enjoy­ing them­sel­ves while hit­ting and kicking each other. I felt like home. Must be my tri­be. Kara­te-fami­ly!

What you don’t see is this ama­zing Mon­day at Kris’ Dojo. I had the chan­ce to get an insight of his dai­ly dojo-life. We went to the dojo just befo­re 4pm and I saw him lea­ding a kids beg­in­ners class. That was tru­ly refres­hing… A mix­tu­re of fun, and rules. That went on to the tiny tigers group and the next group as well. The­re was a gre­at Spi­rit in this dojo.

Dojo is by the way an important part to point out. Imme­dia­te­ly by get­ting the first time into the room I felt like ente­ring a dojo. Can’t exact­ly say why… It just felt good, right.… like in a dojo.… A gre­at moment to expe­ri­ence for me.

West Seat­tle Kara­te Aca­de­my

During the last class of the day Kris gave me a chan­ce to teach some Karatepraxis con­tent to his stu­dents. Ano­ther gre­at expe­ri­ence, which I do real­ly app­re­cia­te.

To put it tog­e­ther:

Seat­tle was ama­zing. Kris is a gre­at guy and I do real­ly loo­king for­ward to our future pro­jects. I found a new fri­end!

Yes, the­re will be things coming up !!!

Bruce Lee’s gra­ve.…. A spe­cial moment in a mar­ti­al artists life.…..
Ama­zing Sky­line — Seat­tle.… I’ll be back !!!!
A gre­at day in Seat­tle: Karatepraxis-Bun­kai-Semi­nar 2020

Thank you all for this gre­at time. Can’t wait to come back to the US West Coast.