Seat­tle & Albu­quer­que — I’m coming !!!

Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt Karatepraxis semi­nar in Seat­tle

Tomor­row mor­ning I’m fly­ing to Seat­tle. I’ll meet Kris Wil­der, head of the West Seat­tle Kara­te Aca­de­my, and look very much for­ward to teach my first ever Karatepraxis Semi­nar on the west coast of the USA.

Once I’m the­re, I have the chan­ce to meet Mas­ter-Ken in Albu­quer­que. We’ll be crea­ting a video the­re. I can’t tell more right now, but it’ll be ama­zing.

Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt Karatepraxis Mee­ting with Mas­ter-Ken in Albu­quer­que