See “Karatepraxis Quick and Dir­ty #15 Tek­ki Sho­dan Appli­ka­ti­on” on You­Tube

This Karatepraxis Quick and dir­ty Video Shows Tek­ki Sho­dan Appli­ka­ti­on with some alter­na­ti­ves for the defen­der. It was film­ed on my recent semi­nar in Bin­gen, Ger­ma­ny.
In my opi­ni­on kata tells us tech­ni­ques, awa­re­ness, tac­tics, and alter­na­ti­ves.
If you like it, plea­se lea­ve a com­ment, like it and share it.
If you’­re inte­res­ted to orga­ni­ze a karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try, town, dojo — plea­se get in touch.
