600 reviews on karatepraxis.com

Our web­site is one of only few mar­ti­al arts pages whe­re peo­p­le can rate semi­nars they have atten­ded.

In fact the reviews page is after “home” and “dates” the most seen one in karatepraxis.com. Through this one can get a sen­se of what to expect on our semi­nars.

Now, more than 600 semi­nar par­ti­ci­pan­ts have rated karatepraxis.

That is an ama­zing amount of feed­back for us. Thank you for your con­fi­dence in our kara­te con­tent.

If you like to orga­ni­ze a semi­nar in your coun­try / town / dojo, plea­se get in touch with us via: info@karatepraxis.com

We look for­ward to mee­ting you 😁

Some of the last quo­tes are:


I came across karatepraxis on a semi­nar in Gie­sen, Ger­ma­ny and I am thril­led to have par­ti­ci­pa­ted, sin­ce it was so much fun and I lear­ned that Bun­kai can be a rea­li­stic basis for sel­fe­de­fen­se.


Real­ly enjoy­ed Chris­ti­an semi­nar last Sun­day in Wan­ta­ge, UK. A gre­at prac­ti­cal view of kara­te drills and kata bun­kai. Hop­eful­ly, the­re will be future chan­ces to train with Chris­ti­an in the UK. Left with a big smi­le on my face! Thank you.


Karatepraxis is mind-bogg­ling. I’ve atten­ded a hei­an kata sys­tem bun­kai semi­nar. Ama­zing! So much stuff is inte­gra­ted in the hei­an kata. So much I haven’t seen befor. So much seems to be lost but Chris­ti­an works on it and shows the old tre­asu­res in defen­se-mat­ters. That is kara­te!


Chris­ti­an is an excel­lent ins­truc­tor with a deep know­ledge of high­ly effec­ti­ve and prac­ti­cal kara­te, I atten­ded his first ever UK semi­nar in Wan­ta­ge, Eng­land and was blown away by how simp­le and des­truc­ti­ve his methods can be when put to use. The semi­nar had excel­lent con­tent and some gre­at humour thrown in. I very much look for­ward to trai­ning with Chris­ti­an and his uke dani­el again in the future.
Thank you very much for your time and effort in coming to the UK to teach.


Karatepraxis semi­nar with Jür­gen Höl­ler (Full Cont­act Kara­te — Sho­bus­hin­kai) and Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt (Ten-Kyo-Ryu). Jür­gen taught about distances, rela­ted tech­ni­ques and “cont­act­ma­nage­ment” and Chris­ti­an refer­red Jür­gens con­tent to kata Hei­an Yond­an whe­re ever­y­thing is about clo­se distance and cont­act manage­ment. That gave me a new per­spec­ti­ve on this kata in terms of fight­ing. I like to have more of this!


Karatepraxis Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai was one of the best semi­nars I’ve atten­ded. It chan­ged my point of view for good. Kata will never be the same for me. A semi­nar with high qua­li­ty con­tent, deli­ver­ed with a good por­ti­on of humor and ever­y­thing we did in part­ner­work was in logi­cal, flu­ent moves. It was well worth to tra­vel from Switz­er­land to Ger­ma­ny for this event.