See “Karatepraxis Kata Bun­kai Empi appli­ca­ti­on” on You­Tube

At Karatepraxis we do con­sider Kata as the book of tricks for our mar­ti­al art. From our point of view every moti­on in Kata has got a defen­ding or attack­ing cha­rac­ter. This video shows the appli­ca­ti­on of the first few tech­ni­ques in the Kata Empi. This sequence con­ta­ins seve­ral important appli­ca­ti­on and fight­ing rules. Start­ing with: Lea­ve the line of fire, hiki­te-hands are for pul­ling, open hands are for grab­bing and last but not least: (body-logic) means pay­ing atten­ti­on to the expec­ted phy­si­cal reac­tion after a Strike or a kick. We do belie­ve that every Kata is a com­ple­te defen­ding and fight­ing sys­tem. All we need to do is to take a clo­ser look!

If you like to host an open karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try /town /dojo plea­se get in cont­act with:

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Atb Chris­ti­an