Ama­zing peo­p­le in Switz­er­land met up on a karatepraxis semi­nar

Thanks a lot to all who have atten­ded the first karatepraxis semi­nar in Tof­fen (CH). That was an ama­zing weekend with gre­at peo­p­le.… and beau­tiful land­scape.

Satur­day mor­ning we star­ted with a sepa­ra­te kids class. We work­ed out grap­pling, distances for kicks in part­ner­work and some focus-mitts tech­ni­ques.

After that the Satur­day adult class star­ted and trai­ned over the day. We cover­ed full Bun­kai to Tek­ki / Naihan­chi Sho­dan, parts of Hei­an / Pinan Nidan, Yond­an and Sandan and had exci­ting fun with the pads.

On Sun­day mor­ning, right after time­s­hift, we star­ted again and with even more peo­p­le in the dojo. We work­ed on full Hei­an / Pinan Sho­dan Bun­kai and prin­ci­ples. Deve­lo­ped a drill out of it and work­ed it out. We also did parts of Bassai-Dai Bun­kai on the ground, Empi and Jion Bun­kai com­bi­na­ti­ons.

Sin­ce ever­yo­ne wan­ted pads again. We went suf­fe­ring on them for the semi­nar final. 😁

That was a gre­at weekend with more than 50 par­ti­ci­pan­ts! Thanks for being the­re.

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In you are inte­res­ted to host a karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try / town / dojo plea­se get in cont­act with:

We’­re gon­na have a good day!

Karatepraxis Semi­nar with Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt 2019 in Tof­fen Switz­er­land