See “Karatepraxis Quick and Dir­ty #17 — Pad-Com­bi­na­ti­ons — done on semi­nar in Hameln, Ger­ma­ny” on You­Tube

This video was film­ed on my recent semi­nar which I taught with my fri­end Lud­wig Bin­der in March 2019 in Hameln.
We cover­ed kata Bun­kai from Sho­to­kan and Ten-Kyo-Ryu. The last ses­si­on of the day was pla­ned for pad-com­bi­na­ti­ons. This is what the video is about.
Enjoy wat­ching, like, lea­ve a com­ment and sub­scri­be to our karatepraxis chan­nel.

If you like to host an open karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try / town / dojo, plea­se get in cont­act with: info@

Gon­na have a good day