Zach, Tom, Josef, Geoff & David.…

Some days after I’ve led the semi­nar in Seat­tle, Washing­ton, at Kris Wilder’s West Seat­tle Kara­te Aca­de­my, the­re have some reviews arri­ved.

Befo­re I add this reviews I want to say thank you to tho­se who wro­te a review.

To share expe­ri­en­ces has been the key for sur­vi­val in the past and it con­ti­nues to be a key, becau­se peo­p­le have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bene­fit of the know­ledge others have gathe­red wit­hout having to try out them­sel­ves.


Chris­ti­an is an extre­me­ly enga­ging tea­cher, with an infec­tious per­so­na­li­ty. Acces­si­ble and very effec­ti­ve mate­ri­al taught by someone who cle­ar­ly knows his stuff and loves what he is doing deep­ly. Very much worth the time of any serious mar­ti­al artists.


Chris­ti­an, thank you for coming all the way to Seat­tle to share your pra­xis sys­tem. We had a gre­at time explo­ring your con­cepts and bun­kai appli­ca­ti­ons. I enjoy­ed your insights on why do kata turn the oppo­si­te way and do the say tech­ni­que com­bi­na­ti­on. It was a plea­su­re mee­ting you and I look for­ward to your book being published in Eng­lish so that I can do a deeper dive into know­ledge that you shared.


It was a gre­at plea­su­re mee­ting and lear­ning from you this past weekend. Your exci­te­ment and love of the mar­ti­al arts is the reason I began my own trai­ning. I belie­ve if I am working hard and having a good, fun time in the dojo, then I am trai­ning cor­rect­ly. Your semi­nar embo­di­ed both of the­se aspects. I hope that you will visit the West Coast again soon so I may fur­ther learn from your Kara­te
Thank you and best wis­hes on your next adven­tures.


I just atten­ded an ama­zing semi­nar taught by Chris­ti­an in Seat­tle, Washing­ton USA. Chris­ti­an did a gre­at job start­ing off the semi­nar by get­ting ever­yo­ne com­for­ta­ble with each other, both by intro­du­cing our­sel­ves with a sil­ly dance and then by hit­ting each other to set the tone for the day. He main­tai­ned his infec­tious enthu­si­asm throug­hout the enti­re day and did a gre­at job pro­vi­ding inte­res­t­ing prac­ti­cal mate­ri­al. Chris­ti­an is very know­led­geable and had a fun but serious approach to his tea­ching. I would high­ly recom­mend atten­ding one of Christian’s semi­nars if you have the chan­ce.


Chris­ti­an as pro­mi­sed the cour­se you recent­ly taught in Seat­tle com­ple­te­ly blew my mind!  Soooo enjoya­ble from the war­mup through to all the appli­ca­ti­ons and expl­ana­ti­ons that made so much sen­se.  The bun­kai appli­ca­ti­on was gre­at part­ne­red work.  I only wish we’­ve had more time to do more.  I would high­ly recom­mend any cour­se Chris­ti­an tea­ches to tho­se with an open mind about kara­te.  I look for­ward to lear­ning more from your book and sha­ring the know­ledge with other in my club and hope that we might one day host you in Seat­tle again.

If you like to host an open Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in your Coun­try, Town, Dojo plea­se dont hesi­tat to cont­act me under:
I do rea­ly look for­ward to mee­ting new mar­ti­al-arts-fri­ends.

Don­t’t for­get to sub­scri­be to our karatepraxis You­tube-chan­nel.