See “Karatepraxis Live Online Trai­ning Part 21 with Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt”

How do you give ins­truc­tions regar­ding direc­tions to move to in your art? Go left, go right, more left, more right?

In this Karatepraxis live online trai­ning I show you how I do it and explain in detail why this is a good way to express things.
Using  hori­zon­tal clock and moving towards cer­tain digit’s you will under­stand emme­dia­te­ly how things work.

If you like to host an open Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in your Coun­try, Town, Dojo plea­se dont hesi­tat to cont­act me under:
I do rea­ly look for­ward to mee­ting new mar­ti­al-arts-fri­ends.

Don­t’t for­get to sub­scri­be to our karatepraxis You­tube-chan­nel.

#karatepraxis #kat­abun­kai #WCA #chris­ti­an­we­de­wardt #kara­te #bun­kai #kat­aap­pli­ca­ti­on #DkV #self­de­fen­se #kata #semi­nars #mar­ti­al-arts #modern­tra­di­ti­on #sho­to­kan