Kris Wil­der — a modern Mind!

I have a recom­men­da­ti­on for you.

Go to and see the good stuff Kris is pro­vi­ding. Not only is he the aut­hor of some 20 books on kara­te and mind­set he has an email series coming out on the three clas­sic ele­ments of stra­tegy — Go No Sen, Sen No Sen, and Sen Sen No Sen.

I got a sneak pre­view and it is going to chan­ge a lot of things for us, ear­ly adop­ters.  The series starts on 5 August but it only is acces­si­ble to mem­bers.

Here is the link, get on board befo­re the 5th of August. (check other free offe­rings too)

This is some­thing you don’t want to miss out on.