Reviews on my first ‑but not last- UK Semi­nar in Wan­ta­ge

My first karatepraxis semi­nar in Wan­ta­ge (hos­ted by Iain Aber­nethy) was a gre­at expe­ri­ence for me. 35 enthu­si­a­stic Kara­te­ka joi­n­ed my Bun­kai and Part­ner-Drills ‑semi­nar. Thank to all of you for coming and hos­ting 😀

Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt (karatepraxis) & Iain Aber­nethy in Wan­ta­ge, UK 2018 — Foto by Iain Aber­nethy -

Plea­se find below some reviews :

Chris Mort:

Chris­ti­an ran his 1st ever UK semi­nar today, which I was for­t­u­na­te enough to be a part of. His con­tent, approach and deli­very were infor­med, rela­xed and extre­me­ly well struc­tu­red.
From the basic kihon drills, to the exten­si­ve part­ner work, his prac­ti­cal inter­pre­ta­ti­on of kata, and the prin­ci­ples that they repre­sent, were abo­ve and bey­ond any­thing that I expec­ted.
Chris­ti­an is a fan­ta­stic Kara­te-ka, and a won­derful per­son to know, both of which I recom­mend to all.

Chris Webb:

An abso­lu­te plea­su­re to train at Sen­s­ei Christian’s first UK semi­nar in Oxford­shire. To ste­al Sen­s­ei Iain Abernethy’s words, Chris­ti­an and his prac­ti­cal mar­ti­al mate­ri­al is a very well kept secret. Acces­si­ble to all regard­less of style, gra­de or length of time trai­ned Chris­ti­an elo­quent­ly deli­ver­ed prac­ti­cal Kara­te at its very best (all in Eng­lish!). For me Chris­ti­an sits among­st a small group of high­ly talen­ted, prac­ti­cal, mar­ti­al arts ins­truc­tors that you sim­ply must train with if you are serious about your trai­ning. I tho­rough­ly enjoy­ed every minu­te of the 7 hour semi­nar and will make it a mis­si­on of mine to train with Chris­ti­an and his superb Uke Dani­el again in the future. Kara­te at its very finest! Oss.


Just atten­ded a Christian’s first UK semi­nar, and in my home town! (hos­ted by Iain Aber­nethy). This guy is tre­men­dous, it was such a pri­vi­le­ge. The drills were fun, prac­ti­cal, and took me out­side my com­fort zone in the best pos­si­ble way. Loved his sen­se of humour and ener­gy. He has so much power and so much know­ledge; his stu­dent (Dani­el) was also incre­di­ble (a true sign of a gre­at tea­cher)!

Lewis Stead:

Chris­ti­an is an excel­lent ins­truc­tor with a deep know­ledge of high­ly effec­ti­ve and prac­ti­cal kara­te, I atten­ded Christian’s first ever UK semi­nar in Wan­ta­ge, Eng­land and was blown away by how simp­le and des­truc­ti­ve his methods can be when put to use. The semi­nar had excel­lent con­tent and some gre­at humour thrown in. I very much look for­ward to trai­ning with Chris­ti­an and his uke dani­el again in the future.
Thank you very much for your time and effort in coming to the UK to teach.

Ty Mans­field :

Real­ly enjoy­ed Chris­ti­an semi­nar last Sun­day in Wan­ta­ge, UK. A gre­at prac­ti­cal view of kara­te drills and kata bun­kai. Hop­eful­ly, the­re will be future chan­ces to train with Chris­ti­an in the UK. Left with a big smi­le on my face! Thank you.

Thanks guys for this most kind words!

I’ll be back 😀


Regis­ter now!