Karatepraxis ‑Tou­rist­pro­gramm: Lon­don

Right befor my first ever UK karatepraxis Semi­nar the­re was time enough to see Lon­don. We took a qick-tour through the city. Coming from Oxford with the train we took the nor­mal bus­ses to come around and wal­ked a lot in order to see the tou­rist-attrac­tions like Pica­dil­ly Cir­cus, Tra­fal­gar Squa­re, West­mins­ter Abby, Lon­don Eye, Tower-Bridge, Not­ting Hill, and some of the new sta­te of the art archi­tec­tu­re sky­scra­pers.

The today’s trip ended with >what else< Spare­ribs & Beer!

Here are some impres­si­ons.

I look very much for­ward to hold my first ever karatepraxis semi­nar in Wan­ta­ge on Sun­day.

I’ll keep you in the loop.