“Karatepraxis Kihon Inspi­ra­ti­on” auf You­Tube

if we see Kihon as basic trai­ning we can use this term in every trai­ning con­tent to take care of the fun­da­men­tals. in this video I show a com­bi­na­ti­on in two parts. first for­ward with some attacks. then back­wards with some blocks. if you take a clo­ser look you’ll see that the blocks are exact­ly fit­ting to the attacks. so you can train this com­bi­na­ti­on as a one per­son drill for offen­se and defen­se.
I use this method for online Trai­ning sin­ce we often have no abili­ty to train with a part­ner.

I hope you like it and have fun.

plea­se com­ment and don’t for­get to sub­scri­be.
