Free 1 hour online Trai­ning with Karatepraxis and Kara­te Unity

Upco­ming Satur­day 3:30 pm Kara­te Unity’s Chris Han­son and Karatepraxis’ Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt will teach an open shared online Trai­ning.

To join us just fol­low the link
The­re is no need to down­load some­thing or to regis­ter. It all goes very easy.

I’m a fan of Chris Han­son. He is per­fect­ly open min­ded in his views, has trai­ned in seve­ral arts and com­bi­nes tho­se influen­ces to a smooth­ly flowing kara­te. Just like we donut at Karatepraxis.

Con­clu­si­on: If you like us, you’ll love his mate­ri­al. Do not miss it and let other tell you how gre­at it was.