Small group Bun­kai

Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai WE Fre­chen with Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt

Small group ses­si­on last weekend in Fre­chen. Con­tent: Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai for Hei­an Yond­an and ‑Godan. Very inten­siv trai­ning over two days only for their Bun­kai. Lear­ning con­tent, prin­ci­pals, alter­na­ti­ves if things go wrong, distances, tac­tics, as well as domi­nan­ce towards the oppon­ents.

We cover­ed within the katas also the 5‑step-pro­cess of defen­ses inclu­ding lever­a­ges, locks and throws.

That was an awe­so­me expe­ri­ence.

The small group semi­nar con­cept allows me to teach ever­yo­ne inten­si­ve on a one to one basis ins­tead having kind of a fron­tal tea­ching.

Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai is sel­fe­de­fen­se within kara­te, within Kata and once peo­p­le have joi­n­ed one of this semi­nars the know that Karatepraxis bun­kai is a fee­ling .…… And the fee­ling is pain 😁🙌🥋✅🆒