See Part_4 of Iain Aber­nethy and Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt tea­ching in Wan­ta­ge, UK

“Never hit someone on the ground.….…..!”

Next video in this series.
I’m tal­king about an unex­pec­ted throw in the kara­te com­mu­ni­ty and how dis­gus­ting this pos­si­ble throw is. One obvious thing is, that to be flu­ent and logi­cal in your moves, it is at least hel­pful or neces­sa­ry to start your next tech­ni­que right after the one befo­re.
Or easier: The end of one move is alre­a­dy the start for the next one.

The next point I want to empha­si­ze is Funakoshi’s quo­te about stance’s whe­re he men­tio­ned that the beg­in­ner need deep and powerful stance’s while the advan­ced one moves free­ly.

For sure he, the advan­ced, uses stance as well, but he does not free­ze in any­mo­re. His stance’s are for his bene­fit to give him the right distance, the cor­rect ang­le and best posi­ti­on of Gra­vi­ty — for both, his own and the atta­ckers gra­vi­ty point.
So, the advan­ced mar­ti­al-artist knows about the importance and use them for his best bene­fit.….. And the end of one tech­ni­ques equ­als the start of the next one !

If you like to host an open Karatepraxis semi­nar in your Coun­try Town Dojo plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act me under

Plea­se don’t for­get to sub­scri­be to the Karatepraxis You­Tube chan­nel and lea­ve a com­ment.