Pod­cast with Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt by Kris Wil­der

Todays the day! The first pod­cast inter­view with Kris Wil­der and me is online. Kris kind­ly invi­ted me to an inter­view about kara­te, tea­ching­styl­es, prin­ci­pals and Karatepraxis in total. We also spo­ke about my upco­ming first semi­nar in Seat­tle, Washing­ton, USA on the 1th of Febru­ary 2020 and more.… Have fun hea­ring it. Just fol­low my Name’s as a link below.


BTW, I sub­scri­bed to Kris’ News­let­ter and do real­ly like his con­tent and do stron­gly recom­mend to do the same.


Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt, Karatepraxis Semi­nar in Seat­tle, USA