Mer­ry Xmas and a hap­py new Year from the Karatepraxis-Truck


Karatepraxis Truck

Sin­ce we all know and have heared it well often enough, I do not go in too deep into the spe­cial part of quite not­hing in 2020.

This post is about to spread some­thing posi­ti­ve.… Christ­mas, New Year and the ever­las­ting opti­mism that the best is still ahead and yet to come.

Dear Karatepraxis-Fri­ends, stay well and dili­gent in trai­ning. May all your wis­hes beco­me true and you may find some time to reset with your loved ones for a fan­ta­stic 2021 in all are­as of your life.

To send you a smi­le and good vibes, I add this video. 6 well inves­ted minu­tes for a good mood and shi­ning spi­rit.

Be well ! Mer­ry Christ­mas !