KARATEPRAXIS RETREAT in Novem­ber 2018 with Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt in the old dia­ry in Men­ger­schied / Ger­ma­ny

KARATEPRAXIS RETREAT in Novem­ber 2018 with Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt in the old dia­ry in Men­ger­schied / Ger­ma­ny

Fri­day 16th to Sun­day 18th of Novem­ber 2018

Only 16 spaces for par­ti­ci­pan­ts
Acco­mo­da­ti­on in a 300 squa­re­me­ter house
Very cosy place with fire­place in the fami­ly­ro­om
all-in cate­ring inclu­ding drinks and good food
11 hours of trai­ning
6 hours fol­lo­wing your wis­hes (I’ll ask for that befor­hand and prepa­re the con­tent)
5 hours com­ming from me
open for all gra­des

Fee: Only 229 EUR per per­son. 209 EUR per per­son if two are com­ming from one dojo.

Inte­res­ted ? Want more infor­ma­ti­on ?

Drop me a mail: info@karatepraxis.com