Iain Aber­nethy is coming to Ger­ma­ny on July

Iain Aber­nethy and karatepraxis’ Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt in Wan­ta­ge 2017

Iain Aber­nethy and Karatepraxis’ Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt are lea­ding their second joi­n­ed semi­nar in July in Brühl, Ger­ma­ny.

They both like tea­ching tog­e­ther very much and are more than lik­emin­ded mar­ti­al-artist. They are “loving it” to deve­lop, to teach and to bring the mar­ti­al-arts com­mu­ni­ty of all styl­es tog­e­ther.

On July 7th and 8th Iain and Chris­ti­an are tea­ching in Brühl, Ger­ma­ny. You don’t want to miss this!

Regis­ter now: info@karatepraxis.com

If 3 regis­ter from one dojo the 4th goes free.


Arri­val 9:00 am

(for cof­fee and chats)

3 clas­ses
End 5:15pm
7pm Indi­an restau­rant (if wan­ted)
10–1230 final semi­nar Class
Wil­ly-Brandt-Stra­ße 1
50321 Brühl
Satur­day 45 Euro
Sun­day 20 Euro
Weekend 55 Euro
Pay­ment on semi­nar day in cash plus 5 Euro.

Bank Account

Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt
Kreis­spar­kas­se Köln
Iban de48370502990139271470
Bic coksde33xxx