First ever Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in Switz­er­land

Next weekend I’ll be tea­ching my first ever Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in Switz­er­land.

I look very much for­ward to it.

The 2‑Day-Semi­nar will take place in Tof­fen on the 30th and 31th of March 2019.

We will work on:

  • Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai
  • Pad­works
  • Part­ner-Drills
  • And Kara­te-Based Self Defen­se

Sin­ce the­re is only room for 60 places it is recom­men­ded to regis­ter soon.

CU in Switz­er­land!

If you like to host a karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try / town / dojo plea­se get in cont­act with