Fin­land-Semi­nar Reviews

At the semi­nar in Fin­land I met a plea­sant man with a sen­se of humor and that humor was bril­li­ant­ly pre­sent whilst his tea­ching. His ide­as were very well and tho­rough­ly thought out and what’s best? They were intri­guing! His way of tea­ching was fun and enga­ging. Tru­ly enjoy­ed the­se new fresh winds of Karatepraxis. The one minus that pops into my mind is that the man, Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt, men­tio­ned many times that he talks too much. I stron­gly dis­agree, let your pas­si­on keep on tal­king!

Try­ing to remem­ber what Chris­ti­an told me to wri­te, karatepraxis is the best…
Just kid­ding, this are my own words. First semi­nar in Fin­land is over and that was pro­ba­b­ly the best semi­nar I’ve ever been. All the pain and laug­hing is what kara­te semi­nars should be. Tech­ni­ques were prac­ti­cal and simp­le so even I learn a lot. Thank you both, can’t wait next semi­nar, when ever that will be.

Thank you Chris­ti­an for a fan­ta­stic semi­nar last weekend in Vaa­sa Fin­land. Real­ly enjoy­ed your tea­ching style and your insights to Hei­an Katas. Your tea­ching style is dyna­mic and exe­ci­ting. Real­ly wish to attend your semi­nars also in the future some day some­whe­re. All the best!

I hos­ted a semi­nar with Chris­ti­an in Vaa­sa, Fin­land in Octo­ber, 2019. It was a real­ly nice weekend, and we great­ly enjoy­ed his tea­ching. The methods and bun­kai we did were sui­ta­ble for all gra­des. His tea­ching methods are real­ly uni­que, you learn bun­kai quick­ly in a very fun way. Our juni­ors real­ly enjoy­ed the kids prac­ti­ce and so did the adults. Thank you for a memo­rable weekend, hope to see you again soon!

We atten­ded Chris­ti­an Wedewardt’s semi­nar in Vaa­sa, Fin­land on 5th – 6th Octo­ber, 2019. During the weekend, we went through mate­ri­al from the white belt level to the oran­ge belt level, stu­dy­ing first three Hei­an katas. Christian’s approach was prac­ti­cal and fun to do, and pedago­gi­cal­ly sound. The con­tent of the semi­nar was appro­pria­te for all levels of prac­ti­tio­ners. Even though we have been doing Hei­an katas for seve­ral years, his per­spec­ti­ve gave many new ide­as and new ways to think about katas. We had real­ly good time kicking and pun­ching each other, trai­ning hard but at the same time smi­ling and laug­hing, too! We now have a new kara­te quo­te: ”Kara­te is a fee­ling – and that fee­ling is pain” by Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt. Thank you so much for visi­ting Fin­land and hope to see you soon again!

From my point of view:

I love Kara­te! Tea­ching abroad is a won­derful oppor­tu­ni­ty to get “in cont­act” with other enthu­si­a­stic mar­ti­al-artist around the world. Fin­land was an ama­zing expe­ri­ence for me. I met ama­zing nice peo­p­le the­re and do real­ly look for­ward to see­ing all of them again. I’d like to express my app­re­cia­ti­on to the World Com­bat Asso­cia­ti­on, WCA, which is the gre­at foun­da­ti­on for the inter­na­tio­nal exch­an­ge bet­ween prac­ti­cal mar­ti­al-artist. Thanks!

If you like to host an open Karatepraxis semi­nar in your Coun­try, Town, Dojo, plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act me under

Don’t for­get to sub­scri­be to the Karatepraxis You­Tube chan­nel.