Alcis Szabo-Reiss will be tea­ching on the July Karatepraxis Retre­at 2020

Alcis Szabo-Reiss, 5th, Dan, Kris Wil­der, 6th Dan and Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt, 6th Dan. The beau­tiful Cast­le Stahl­eck will be our venue.

Sim­pli­ci­ty is the hig­hest form of per­fec­tion

This is Alcis’ approach to mar­ti­al-arts! He’s been invol­ved in seve­ral disci­pli­nes like Aiki­do, Tae-Kwon-Do, Judo and Krav-Maga for more than 30 year and focu­sed always on kara­te, whe­re he’s ran­ked 5th dan.

With his twin, Ingo, he’s owner of, a com­pa­ny that offers full-ser­vice inter­net and design solu­ti­ons for mar­ti­al-arts individual’s and clubs.

They deve­lo­ped a sys­tem for self-defen­se, which has a wider con­cept than just tech­ni­ques and pro­ces­ses. It’s based on instinct and awa­re­ness. Due to that it is real­ly rapidly under­stan­da­ble for ever­yo­ne.

The sys­tems name is pro­gram: SAFE DEFENSE

Along with Alcis, the­re will be Kris Wil­der and Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt tea­ching.

Don’t miss your chan­ce to beco­me a part of this uni­que event and book your space now under

for 399,00 Euro (All-Inclu­si­ve-Cate­ring)