400 Reviews on Karatepraxis Semi­nars 

More than 400 Reviews on karatepraxis Semi­nars

Here is the latest one, done by Jes­si­ca :

Just a week ago, Christian’s Semi­nar on the first three Hei­an Kata took place in Ber­lin.

With his moti­va­ti­on and his way to look at things, I got a new point of view for the tra­di­tio­nal Kara­te. I’ve been prac­ti­cing tra­di­tio­nal Sho­to­kan Kara­te for years and never real­ly thought about how and why the Katas are made as they are.

Chris­ti­an, on the other hand, seems to have thought into a world that has not been try­ing to under­stand pro­per­ly by other in the past. I have not yet atten­ded a cour­se, which deals so inten­si­ve­ly with Katas and their actu­al appli­ca­ti­on for the real life. The name “karatepraxis” is per­fect­ly appli­ca­ble, becau­se the ques­ti­on “How do I actual­ly app­ly Kara­te in an emer­gen­cy situa­ti­on?” was at the cen­ter of the cour­se at all times.

Chris­ti­an, with wit and enthu­si­asm, pas­sed on his well thought-out con­cept, as good as pos­si­ble in the one-day cour­se.

It was an ins­truc­ti­ve day and at least once one should have known Chris­ti­an with his views on Kara­te.

Karatepraxis is a modern tra­di­ti­on.

Plea­se also beco­me a mem­ber of the Karatepraxis.com Face­book group and sub­scri­be to the same You­Tube chan­nel. You can get infor­ma­ti­on about Koshin­kan Kara­te on Koshinkan.de, at Face­book via ‚Koshin­kan Deutsch­land‘ and also by cont­ac­ting me of cour­se.