2020 Karatepraxis Retre­at July 16th to 19th with Kris Wil­der from Seat­tle, USA

I’m proud to announ­ce in advan­ce that Sen­s­ei Kris Wil­der, head ins­truc­tor and owner of West Seat­tle Kara­te Aca­de­my, will be a part of the first Karatepraxis-Retre­at in July 2020 whe­re in total three trai­ners are “having cont­act” with you.

The beau­tiful Cast­le Sta­helck, in Bacha­rach, Ger­ma­ny is the retre­ats venue.
Kris Wil­der, 6th degree Goju-Ryu-Kara­te from Seat­tle, USA

His dojo ser­ves as a desti­na­ti­on for mar­ti­al artists from across the world. Kris ins­tructs semi­nars in the United Sta­tes, Cana­da, and Euro­pe.

Kris Wil­der star­ted prac­ti­cing the mar­ti­al arts at the age of fif­teen. He holds black belt ran­kings in three styl­es

  • Goju-Ryu kara­te (6th dan),
  • Tae Kwon Do (2nd dan),
  • Judo (1th Dan)

Kris is a mem­ber of the United Sta­tes Mar­ti­al Arts Hall of Fame, and aut­hor of nine­teen books, inclu­ding five best­sel­lers and seve­ral award win­ners.

Boo­king is now open and places are limi­t­ed !

Just wri­te an email and regis­ter your space in this extra­or­di­na­ry semi­nar. Pri­ce with All-Inclu­si­ve-Cate­ring inclu­ding Bar­be­que and drinks:

399,- Euro


Find out more about him:
Fol­low Kris
Twit­ter: @kris_wilder
Insta­gram: https://www.instagram.com/wskadojo/
Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/kris.wilder/
You­tube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wskadojo/videos

Pro­ducts: https://www.Kriswildercourses.com
Web­site: https://www.kriswilder.com
Web­site: https://www.WestSeattleKarate.com
Web­site: https://www.StickmanPublications.com
Ama­zon: https://www.amazon.com/Kris-Wilder/e/B002G9OSTW/

Lis­ten to his Pod­casts
Mar­ti­al Arts & Life: https://www.stickmanpublication.com/category/podcasts/
The Back Chan­nel: https://www.kriswilder.com/category/podcast/