I’m proud to announce in advance that Sensei Kris Wilder, head instructor and owner of West Seattle Karate Academy, will be a part of the first Karatepraxis-Retreat in July 2020 where in total three trainers are “having contact” with you.

His dojo serves as a destination for martial artists from across the world. Kris instructs seminars in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
Kris Wilder started practicing the martial arts at the age of fifteen. He holds black belt rankings in three styles
- Goju-Ryu karate (6th dan),
- Tae Kwon Do (2nd dan),
- Judo (1th Dan)
Kris is a member of the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and author of nineteen books, including five bestsellers and several award winners.
Booking is now open and places are limited !
Just write an email and register your space in this extraordinary seminar. Price with All-Inclusive-Catering including Barbeque and drinks:
399,- Euro
Find out more about him:
Follow Kris
Twitter: @kris_wilder
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wskadojo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kris.wilder/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wskadojo/videos
Products: https://www.Kriswildercourses.com
Website: https://www.kriswilder.com
Website: https://www.WestSeattleKarate.com
Website: https://www.StickmanPublications.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kris-Wilder/e/B002G9OSTW/
Listen to his Podcasts
Martial Arts & Life: https://www.stickmanpublication.com/category/podcasts/
The Back Channel: https://www.kriswilder.com/category/podcast/