Two fan­ta­stic Karatepraxis-Retre­ats in Ger­ma­ny

It’s high time to make prop­ped plans for the near Kara­te future. So did I and I’m proud to offer you two first-class kara­te expe­ri­en­ces with karatepraxis in 2021.

Karatepraxis Retre­at on Cast­le Stahl­eck in Sep­tem­ber with the one and only Mas­ter Ken from the US, Alcis Szabo-Reiss and mys­elf.

Second one of-a-kind expe­ri­ence: Karatepraxis In-Jail-Retre­at 22–24 of Octo­ber 2021

Pre­mi­um acco­mo­da­ti­ons first-class Cate­ring and 8,5 hours of prac­ti­cal Kara­te in Jail !

Only two spaces left !!!

Book your space now in order to not be miss­ing it.

Both Semi­nars are all-inclu­si­ve-offers. You pay only once and ever­y­thing else is included incl. all drinks.

Regis­tra­ti­on via Email to: