The wrong code of honor !


Who has not see it once?

This popu­lar shy­ness to cor­rect a Dan-Gra­dua­ted Kara­te­ka in a kara­te-class.
Even stran­ger is the situa­ti­on to an offi­ci­al, i.e. the main-trai­ner of a dojo, the head
of a dojo or an elec­ted repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of an asso­cia­ti­on, so that this per­son could impro­ve
tech­ni­cal aspects.

The other day I had a dis­cus­sion about this topic with a guest trai­ner, I had in my dojo.
During the trai­ning this shy­ness came up on his side. I was not ask for the Uke-Posi­ti­on (part­ner in a demons­tra­ti­on during trai­ning) but others with stu­dent gra­des. In a break he gave me an inte­res­t­ing expl­ana­ti­on!

He told me that he does not want to take the head of the dojo for demons­tra­ti­ons, becau­se he does not want to step on the trai­ners toes. In the Uke-Posi­ti­on the trai­ner of the dojo could be seen in a lower posi­ti­on or loo­king bad, becau­se of an unknown tech­ni­que or com­bi­na­ti­on which he pro­ba­b­ly couldn’t hand­le ad-hoc pro­per­ly.

The­re seems to be an eti­quet­te or codex that the aut­ho­ri­ty should be saved.…..
That is abso­lu­te non­sen­se in my eyes!

It is not a defa­ma­ti­on of majes­ty if the hig­her gra­dua­ted will be cor­rec­ted or asked for the Uke-Posi­ti­on in a demons­tra­ti­on. Later we tal­ked fur­ther about this and I explai­ned my point of view:

”As the head-trai­ner of my dojo, I am the first stu­dent in his trai­ning and will be glad about any hint, tipp, cor­rec­tion and also live to see his abili­ty as his Uke.”

From this point, the ice was bro­ken and we had a gre­at fee­ling and trai­ning.
With this artic­le I hope to encou­ra­ge you to think about this and put this shy­ness asi­de.

In case of a semi­nar, or guest-trai­ning, It could be hel­pful, to speak with the
trai­ner of the home dojo whe­ther he or she would like to be rea­dy as Uke.

It does not mat­ter to what we were elec­ted or which Gra­de we have accom­plished or how many years we have been lear­ning — we all will be stu­dents our who­le life !

Karatepraxis is modern Tra­di­ti­on.

Plea­se beco­me a mem­ber of our Face­book-Grou­pe and sub­scri­be to our same cal­led you­tube- and twit­ter chan­nel.

Best wis­hes Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt