Thank you for making it pos­si­ble — Karatepraxis 2017 in figu­res

Karatepraxis-mates Alcis and Chris­ti­an in Action

2017 has been an extra­or­di­na­ry year for karatepraxis as plat­form for all of you who are loo­king for a way of trai­ning tra­di­tio­nal kara­te in modern tra­di­ti­on. 

Sin­ce we star­ted in 2009 our group of fri­ends and fol­lo­wers rai­sed per­ma­nent­ly and with pri­de and a smi­le we scored more than 21.000 Visi­tors with 47.000 views on our web­site in 2017. This equ­als a plus of more than 10% in com­pa­ri­son to 2016.

We’­ve had a lot of fun, sweat and bio­feed­back this year on our semi­nars. 

Thanks a lot from our who­le team. 

We can’t wait to mee­ting you again in 2018 in the Gyms and Dojos and to share our view of a kara­te-way that meets the needs on a modern mar­ti­al-art wit­hout lea­ving the tra­di­tio­nal roots behind. 

We wish you a per­fect new years eve and all the best for 2018.

Stay safe and sound!