Semi­nar Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt in Brug­ge, Bel­gi­um – Sept 12th – Sept 14th 2020 – 3 DAY PASS – Mar­ti­al arts semi­nars

3 days full of kata appli­ca­ti­on in Brug­ge. The fee is only 50 euro per per­son, becau­se of this spe­cial times we are all facing.

Regis­ter now and plan a gre­at semi­nar with an insightful expe­ri­ence for yours­elf.

The­re is no risk invol­ved in your boo­king. If the semi­nar can’t take place becau­se of Covid, you’ll get your pay­ment back.

So, why wait ?!

Let’s meet up in Sep­tem­ber in Brug­ge, Bel­gi­um.–3‑day-pass/