See“Karatepraxis digi­tal fight chall­enge: Jens (Jean-Clau­de) Knip vs. Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt” on You­Tube

The rules:

The karatepraxis digi­tal fight chall­enge is a fun chall­enge to attack and defend digi­tal­ly.

Chall­enge 5 „fri­ends“ to stand his/her ground against your attack.

The­se are the simp­le rules:

Every mar­ti­al-artist can par­ti­ci­pa­te
The defen­se can rela­te to kata
Ever­y­thing can be used for the defen­se, for exam­p­le tools or wea­pons
It can be serious
It can be fun­ny
Once you’ve found your defen­se – post a video show­ing the attack and your clue. Tag your Chal­len­ger and men­ti­on the chall­enge
Name: digi­tal fight challan­ge.