See “Karatepraxis: Powerfull Kids are no Vic­tims” on You­Tube

We did this demons­tra­ti­on in a semi­nar in the south of ger­ma­ny. My trai­ning-mate in this clip did extra­or­di­na­ry well with his part­ner. I stop­ped the group and told ever­yo­ne to see how he does and go for it, too. Btw, it’s worth to have an ear to the sound. 😁
Karatepraxis Is fun on the tea­ching side and obvious­ly on the lear­ning side as well.

Plea­se like, share and com­ment.

We do offer sepa­ra­te­ly karatepraxis-4Kids clas­ses on spe­cial semi­nars or as a part of regu­lar semi­nars.

If you like to host an open karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try / town / dojo plea­se get in cont­act with me.