See “Karatepraxis digi­tal fight chall­enge: Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt vs. Sil­ver-Max”

Sil­ver-Max beca­me a night­ma­re for me. I was awa­re that he’ll be hard to fight or even to defeat. But with all my expe­ri­ence I was sure to be the one who will sur­vi­ve this match.

But Sil­ver-Max had deve­lo­ped an unex­pec­ted wea­pon.

See the video and find out how he finis­hed me in the end and who might have inspi­red him .….

If you like to host an open Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in your Coun­try, Town, Dojo plea­se dont hesi­tat to cont­act me under:
I do rea­ly look for­ward to mee­ting new mar­ti­al-arts-fri­ends.

Don’t for­get to sub­scri­be to our karatepraxis You­tube-chan­nel.