Watch “Karatepraxis Kata Bun­kai Sys­tem Semi­nar in Fre­chen” on You­Tube 

This is an out­take of the Hei­an Kata sys­tem semi­nar I led on the 13th of May in Fre­chen. This video shows the often unde­re­sti­ma­ted tech­ni­que “Tetsui-Uchi” and it’s impact on the part­ner. Fur­ther more the­re is a pos­si­bi­li­ty for the use of the three Age Uke moves in hei­an Sho­dan. 

Karatepraxis : Emp­ty Hand — Full pas­si­on 

Enjoy,  like and share. 

Plea­se beco­me a mem­ber of our face­book group and sub­scri­be to our same cal­led You­Tube Cha­nel.

ATB Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt