Only a few dates are available for 2023

Thank­ful­ly the inter­na­tio­nal demand for Karatepraxis semi­nars with my con­tents of Kata Bun­kai and self-defen­se has risen a lot in the past few years. That is some­what ama­zing for me.

Tra­vel­ling, see­ing inte­res­t­ing places, mee­ting gre­at peo­p­le and trai­ning and tea­ching kara­te in Modern Tra­di­ti­on is what I love mas­si­ve­ly.

So, now, end of may 2022, most of my free spots to teach abroad are alre­a­dy boo­ked for 2023. Some have alre­a­dy boo­ked me for 2024.

If you like to host a Karatepraxis semi­nar in your coun­try, town, dojo, plea­se con­sider get­ting in touch with me soon to save your space for 23 or 24.

I look for­ward to plan­ning gre­at events with and for you.

Mail­to: Whats­App: +49 151 2757 2971