Karatepraxis tri­ple with 4 inter­na­tio­nal Tea­chers

Ama­zing Karatepraxis-June has alre­a­dy begun and it’ll be legen­da­ry.

And here is why:

The­re are three high-class online Semi­nars coming up for you!

16th of June 7pm to 830pm — Iain Aber­nethy & Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt — Semi­nar­fee 10,00 Euro for 90 Minu­tes

19th of June 6pm to 830pm — Andy Allen & Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt — Semi­nar­fee 15,00 Euro for 150 Minu­tes

27th of June 6pm to 830pm — Chris Han­son & Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt — Semi­nar­fee 15,00 Euro for 150 Minu­tes

Regis­tra­ti­on is quite straight for­ward: Pay the Semi­nar­fee to: info@karatepraxis.com on Pay­Pal and men­ti­on the seminar(s) your regis­tering for.

You’ll get the Zoom link in the mor­ning if the semi­nar day

We are loo­king for­ward to trai­ning with you.