Karatepraxis: The Reason-Bun­kai for Sho­to­kan Kata Sochin

This video about some­thing new in our Karatepraxis tea­ching lin­e­up.

Our wide­ly known Kata Effec­ti­ve-Bun­kai Con­cept has got a new wing.

Effec­ti­ve-Bun­kai as it has been taught so far, is very prac­ti­cal, under­stan­da­ble, always very sti­cky to the Kata, and at the  same time very self defen­se rela­ted apli­ca­ble.

The Reason-Bun­kai is get­ting a step fur­ther. It’s not just a good Bun­kai, it’s more! It’s giving a reason to learn a given Kata.

So, one can deci­de if this Bun­kai-Reason is a good reason to get into this or that Kata.

Still kno­wing the katas ori­gi­nal names mea­ning (Sochin): Pre­ser­ve the peace

But trai­ning under the Bun­kai-Reason: Defen­se against tal­ler atta­ckers.

So this Kata might be a good solu­ti­on for smal­ler peo­p­le !?

Have fun wat­ching!

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Don’t for­get to sub­scri­be to the karatepraxis You­Tube chan­nel sin­ce two new vide­os are coming each week.

樂If you like to host an open Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in your Coun­try, Town, Dojo plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act me under: info@karatepraxis.com

Tra­vel­ling and tea­ching Kara­te is never a bother, it’s what I love to do!
I do real­ly look for­ward to mee­ting new mar­ti­al-arts-fri­ends.

#karatepraxis #kat­abun­kai #WCA #chris­ti­an­we­de­wardt #kara­te #bun­kai #kat­aap­pli­ca­ti­on #DkV #self­de­fen­se #kata #semi­nars #mar­ti­al­arts #modern­tra­di­ti­on #sho­to­kan #ten­kyo­ryu #effec­tive­bun­kai #rea­s­om­bun­kai #motiv­bun­kai #prac­ti­calm­ar­ti­al­arts #appli­ca­ti­on