Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in Brug­ge / Bel­gi­um

From Sep­tem­ber 11th to 13th 2020 I will be tea­ching my first ever semi­nar in Bel­gi­um. The kata Niseishi/Nijushiho will be stu­di­ed in depth during the satur­day ses­si­ons. Bes­i­des the Kata-Bun­kai the­re will be an extra­c­tion of Prin­ci­ples, Alter­na­ti­ves and Tac­tics (PAT) to work on. Final­ly the­re will be a part­ner- and pad­drill ses­si­on.

For Sun­day we will have a Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai ses­si­on which would allow you to have a brief insight on new methods to show to your stu­dents.

The semi­nar is spread over 3 days. The num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts is limi­t­ed to 40 per day.

Regis­ter now to book your space on this inter­na­tio­nal Karatepraxis Semi­nar.
