Karatepraxis Retre­at on Cast­le Stahl­eck — Ama­zing expe­ri­ence!

The second retre­at on Cast­le Stahl­eck is alre­a­dy over. It was a gre­at expe­ri­ence to be the­re with all the par­ti­ci­pan­ts, Shi­han Michel­le Gay from NYC and Lud­wig Bin­der.

We cover­ed Bun­kai prin­ci­pals, pad­work, Ten-Kyo-Ryu Kara­te com­bi­na­ti­ons, Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai, self-defen­se, ton­fa and fight­ing com­bi­na­ti­ons as well as some spar­ring.

Trai­ning vide­os will be published soon on our Karatepraxis.com You­Tube chan­nel. Make sure not to miss them and sub­scri­be now.

True­ly ama­zing was the com­mu­ni­ty we crea­ted during our retre­at.

Thanks to ever­yo­ne who’s atten­ded the semi­nar.
And plea­se don’t for­get to lea­ve a com­ment under reviews.