28th of July — Iain Aber­nethy and Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt tea­ching in the UK!

On the 28th of July 2019, Iain Aber­nethy and Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt will be tea­ching a joint semi­nar in the UK!

We are deligh­ted that UK kara­te­ka will once again have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn from Chris­ti­an and enjoy his tea­ching style!

Iain is a big fan of Christian’s mate­ri­al and way of tea­ching! Chris­ti­an tea­ches prac­ti­cal kara­te in a struc­tu­red, fun and extre­me­ly prac­ti­cal way.

Chris­ti­an speaks Eng­lish flu­ent­ly and the enti­re semi­nar will be in Eng­lish (you can put away the Ger­man phra­se books!).

Iain and Chris­ti­an will be tea­ching a wide ran­ge of prac­ti­cal kara­te drills that will be appli­ca­ble to all styl­es. This will include two-per­son drills, impact drills and kata bun­kai. Iain and Chris­ti­an real­ly enjoy tea­ching tog­e­ther so this is sure to be a fun and pro­duc­ti­ve day!

The semi­nar will run from 10am to 5pm and will be held at: The Bea­con, Port­way, Wan­ta­ge, Oxford­shire OX12 9BX.

Cost is £45 per per­son (for groups, when 4 pay, the 5 per­son goes free). Plea­se cont­act Becky Webb (beckywebb_3@hotmail.co.uk) for details of how to book your place and pay­ment details. Places are limi­t­ed and all places must be pre-boo­ked. The­re are no “on the door” places.

About Chris­ti­an: Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt holds a 6th dan in kara­te (WCA award­ed by Peter Con­s­ter­di­ne 9th dan and 5th Dan in the Ger­man Kara­te Orga­ni­sa­ti­on, DKV. He has been trai­ning for over 30 years and belie­ves in mar­ti­al arts that have strong tra­di­tio­nal roots and that are also enti­re­ly rele­vant and appli­ca­ble to today’s world. Chris­ti­an pas­sio­na­te­ly belie­ves in a ver­si­on of kara­te that is exci­ting and attrac­ti­ve to ever­yo­ne inte­res­ted in art, fight­ing and self-defence.

Sun­day, July 28, 2019 - 10:00 to 17:00