For free — KARATEPRAXIS-ZOOM-TRAINING 19.11.20 19:30 Uhr

KARATEPRAXIS-ZOOM-TRAINING is a new for­mat for the prac­ti­cal Kara­te-Com­mu­ni­ty to main­tain trai­ning and a shared expi­ri­ence of flu­ent moves.
Sin­ce this is the first try on ZOOM, I hope ever­y­things goes well and you will be with me.

Dura­ti­on is 40 Minu­tes and the­re is a mx of 100 fri­ends pos­si­ble 🙂

Be a part while bee­ing apart. :-))

Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt — lädt Sie zu einem geplan­ten Zoom-Mee­ting ein.

Uhr­zeit: 19.Nov.2020 07:30 PM Ams­ter­dam, Ber­lin, Rom, Stock­holm, Wien

Zoom-Mee­ting bei­tre­ten

Mee­ting-ID: 713 4776 3626
Kenn­code: KP-Zoom