Effec­ti­ve Bun­kai goes Las Vegas

On April 16th and 17th 2022 Karatepraxis’ Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt will be tea­ching in Las Vegas, USA.

He will teach Hei­an-Kata-Sys­tem-Bun­kai from his recent book. Sochin and Wan­kan Bun­kai.

The semi­nar takes place at the fabo­lous Neva­da Sho­to­kan Kara­te Dojo, led by Sen­s­ei Doug Clark. Find out about his beau­tiful dojo fol­lo­wing the link

Sin­ce the­re are limi­t­ed spaces available make sure to reser­ve yours in good time.

All neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on on the fly­er.

In case you need any infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding the dojo or the city don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act Sen­s­ei Doug direct­ly via his Home­page.

Karatepraxis’ Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt in Las Vegas 2022
Karatepraxis’ Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt in Las Vegas 2022

If you like to host an open Karatepraxis-Semi­nar in your Coun­try, Town, Dojo plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act me under: info@karatepraxis.com
Tra­vel­ling and tea­ching Kara­te is not­hing bothe­ring me, it’s what I love to do!
I do real­ly look for­ward to mee­ting new mar­ti­al-arts-fri­ends.