Coming soon: Karatepraxis and Kara­te Unity inter­na­tio­nal Online Semi­nars”

Good news to all prac­ti­cal mar­ti­al-artists.

Kara­te Unity’s Chris Han­son from Cana­da and me are joi­ning forces for upco­ming online semi­nars.

Chris is a fan­ta­stic inno­va­ti­ve per­son. His mate­ri­al is crea­ti­ve, flu­ent and high­ly effec­ti­ve. Just like we as Karatepraxis fri­ends love it.

The details for the very first shot will be published short­ly.

Stay tun­ed on our socials and be with us.

Don’t for­get to sub­scri­be to our groups on all plat­forms and get all infor­ma­ti­on.