Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt back in the UK in Okto­ber 2021

Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt will be visi­ting the United King­dom

From 02. to 03. of Octo­ber and we thought it would be gre­at to pick his brain on the sub­ject of Hei­an Bun­kai Phe­no­me­non. I’m sure that most of you have read his excel­lent book, but if not plea­se find it at the link below. It is defi­ni­te­ly worth rea­ding.

The Hei­an Kata Bun­kai Phe­no­me­non:

This semi­nar will expand on the metho­do­lo­gy and prac­ti­ces of this kata series. Chris­ti­an will take us deeper into the thin­king pro­cess of deci­phe­ring and ana­ly­sing the Heian/Pinan kata. I will give my per­spec­ti­ve on our ver­si­on of this kata series and we will dis­cuss and try dif­fe­rent approa­ches. Both Chris­ti­an and I are of the opi­ni­on that evol­ving the semi­nar on the day is the best approach and so we would wel­co­me your ques­ti­ons, opi­ni­ons, and sug­ges­ti­ons during the semi­nar allo­wing us to deci­de whe­re the day will take us. We have deci­ded to take a belt and braces approach to cater for any even­tua­li­ty in rela­ti­on to COVID rest­ric­tions, and so we will run this as a hybrid event. Here is how it will work.

  1. If all is well and Chris­ti­an is able to fly, the semi­nar will hap­pen with him in per­son and we will see you at the dojo. Note that a Zoom link will still be available for tho­se that do not wish to or unable to tra­vel.
  2. If Chris­ti­an is unable to tra­vel to the UK, but we are still able to con­ti­nue trai­ning with cont­act, then tho­se in the UK will meet at the dojo and Chris­ti­an will have his stu­dents at his dojo. We will then run a joi­n­ed ses­si­on over Zoom and test con­cepts and tech­ni­ques tog­e­ther at our respec­ti­ve loca­ti­ons. Note that a Zoom link for tho­se not at eit­her dojo will still be available.
  3. If no cont­act trai­ning is allo­wed then the who­le event will be run over Zoom with ever­yo­ne geo­gra­phi­cal­ly disper­sed.

Now, the­se opti­ons com­pli­ca­te the pri­cing stra­tegy as I belie­ve in fair­ness and I can­not put the same value on a ses­si­on with Chris­ti­an in per­son as that with him behind a screen. So plea­se read this sec­tion careful­ly and choo­se your plan. If chan­ges occur after you have boo­ked your ses­si­on I will give you the opti­on of a full refund or an amend­ment to your pay­ment so that no one is left out of pocket. I think this is fair.

This event will be a hybrid one, here are opti­ons for taking part:

  1. If Chris­ti­an is able to tra­vel:
    a) In-per­son full day cost £35
    b) In-per­son half-day cost £25
    c) Zoom link £20
  2. If Chris­ti­an is not able to tra­vel to the UK, but we can still do cont­act trai­ning:
    a) In-per­son full day cost £30
    b) In-per­son half-day cost £20
    c) Zoom link £20
  3. If we are unable to do any cont­act trai­ning:
    a) Zoom link £20

At the moment we are con­fi­dent that by Octo­ber, Ger­ma­ny will be added to the green list as their COVID cases are drop­ping and the vac­ci­na­ti­on rate is incre­asing. So plea­se book eit­her opti­ons 1a), 1b) or 1c). As men­tio­ned pre­vious­ly, should the situa­ti­on chan­ge after you have boo­ked your ses­si­on I will adjust the boo­king fee accor­din­gly.
When you book your ses­si­on plea­se pick one of the FREE DELIVERY opti­ons.

The semi­nar will be held on Satur­day the 2nd of Octo­ber 2021 in Guild­ford, UK.
Doors open at 9:00am. We will start prompt­ly at 9:30am and will con­ti­nue until 5:00pm with a short break for lunch and regu­lar breaks throug­hout the day.
Hot drinks (tea and cof­fee) and bis­cuits will be available at the start of the ses­si­on, but plea­se bring your own lunch. If you would like to purcha­se some food the­re is a Tes­co Express next door to our dojo.

Venue Address:
QE Park Bap­tist Church (first flo­or)
Rail­ton Rd, Guild­ford

Tickets available here: