Christian Wedewardt will be visiting the United Kingdom
From 02. to 03. of October and we thought it would be great to pick his brain on the subject of Heian Bunkai Phenomenon. I’m sure that most of you have read his excellent book, but if not please find it at the link below. It is definitely worth reading.

The Heian Kata Bunkai Phenomenon:
This seminar will expand on the methodology and practices of this kata series. Christian will take us deeper into the thinking process of deciphering and analysing the Heian/Pinan kata. I will give my perspective on our version of this kata series and we will discuss and try different approaches. Both Christian and I are of the opinion that evolving the seminar on the day is the best approach and so we would welcome your questions, opinions, and suggestions during the seminar allowing us to decide where the day will take us. We have decided to take a belt and braces approach to cater for any eventuality in relation to COVID restrictions, and so we will run this as a hybrid event. Here is how it will work.
- If all is well and Christian is able to fly, the seminar will happen with him in person and we will see you at the dojo. Note that a Zoom link will still be available for those that do not wish to or unable to travel.
- If Christian is unable to travel to the UK, but we are still able to continue training with contact, then those in the UK will meet at the dojo and Christian will have his students at his dojo. We will then run a joined session over Zoom and test concepts and techniques together at our respective locations. Note that a Zoom link for those not at either dojo will still be available.
- If no contact training is allowed then the whole event will be run over Zoom with everyone geographically dispersed.
Now, these options complicate the pricing strategy as I believe in fairness and I cannot put the same value on a session with Christian in person as that with him behind a screen. So please read this section carefully and choose your plan. If changes occur after you have booked your session I will give you the option of a full refund or an amendment to your payment so that no one is left out of pocket. I think this is fair.
This event will be a hybrid one, here are options for taking part:
- If Christian is able to travel:
a) In-person full day cost £35
b) In-person half-day cost £25
c) Zoom link £20 - If Christian is not able to travel to the UK, but we can still do contact training:
a) In-person full day cost £30
b) In-person half-day cost £20
c) Zoom link £20 - If we are unable to do any contact training:
a) Zoom link £20
At the moment we are confident that by October, Germany will be added to the green list as their COVID cases are dropping and the vaccination rate is increasing. So please book either options 1a), 1b) or 1c). As mentioned previously, should the situation change after you have booked your session I will adjust the booking fee accordingly.
When you book your session please pick one of the FREE DELIVERY options.
The seminar will be held on Saturday the 2nd of October 2021 in Guildford, UK.
Doors open at 9:00am. We will start promptly at 9:30am and will continue until 5:00pm with a short break for lunch and regular breaks throughout the day.
Hot drinks (tea and coffee) and biscuits will be available at the start of the session, but please bring your own lunch. If you would like to purchase some food there is a Tesco Express next door to our dojo.
Venue Address:
QE Park Baptist Church (first floor)
Railton Rd, Guildford
Tickets available here: