10 Years for a sin­gle Kata. .…..

Thoughts by Chris­ti­an Wede­wardt, head of karatepraxis

A few weeks ago I star­ted a sur­vey on Funakoshi’s quo­te say­ing that he had lear­ned the Kata Tek­ki / Naihan­chi for 10 years. What did he might learn?

Final­ly I come to draw my con­clu­si­ons, based on your ans­wers and share the­se with you.
The sur­vey show­ed a high par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and also a gre­at wil­ling­ness to dis­cuss this topic on the web. I hope my fol­lo­wing artic­le also meets your inte­rest.

The ques­ti­on of whe­ther Mas­ter Funa­ko­shi had actual­ly trai­ned this Kata over a peri­od of 10 years, or made it´s con­tent to the sub­ject of his stu­dies will never be ful­ly cle­ared. I’ve always asked mys­elf the ques­ti­on how it could have been suf­fi­ci­ent­ly inte­res­t­ing for the lear­ner to remain in the kara­te-do with such a redu­ced con­tent over such a long peri­od of time.

The pos­si­ble ans­we­res in the sur­vey are cor­re­spon­din­gly pos­si­ble topics or con­tents, which I could ima­gi­ne being con­tents for Funa­ko­shi from my per­spec­ti­ve. Your ans­wers show that a high pro­por­ti­on of the voters agree that Funakoshi’s Tek­ki-based kara­te edu­ca­ti­on did not just only have a purely tech­ni­cal approach, but rather also had been very prac­ti­cal-ori­en­ted.

In addi­ti­on to the tech­ni­cal qua­li­ties such as tech­ni­que, timing and breathing, many of you have sta­ted that they also belie­ve, it was a lear­ning goal to imple­ment the con­tents of the­se kata in num­e­rous part­ner trai­ning forms, whe­ther with locks, throws, blo­cking or defen­si­ve move­ments, pun­ches and Kicks, appli­ca­ti­ons of the con­tent against seve­ral atta­ckers and pro­ofing the effec­ti­ve­ness on the pad. Some do even belie­ve that the con­tents of the Kata were also used in ground com­bat.

What does that mean for us?
Is it useful for us prac­ti­cing Kara­te today to know and train all offe­red katas? Or is the­re actual­ly a litt­le more to i? Would it per­haps be more hel­pful for us as stu­dents to find a trai­ner or tea­cher who is fami­li­ar with Kata, to figu­re out which Kata fits into ones own kara­te and prac­ti­ce tho­se few katas for a long time in depth?

My con­clu­si­on:

Sel­ec­ti­ve lear­ning is not a mista­ke in Kata, but a good decis­i­on. Ins­tead of having the goal of pur­suing as many kata as pos­si­ble, we should redu­ce the scope and limit our­sel­ves to a few com­bat sys­tems (Kata) and con­cen­tra­te on under­stan­ding this con­tent. Your ans­wers in the sur­vey show a cer­tain expec­ta­ti­on as to what Kata could teach us.

The­r­e­fo­re my request:

Let’s go for it! Lear­ning, under­stan­ding and app­ly­ing Kata, becau­se Kata gives our mar­ti­al-art soul. As a tech­ni­cal gui­de, it is not only the roots, but also car­ri­es the know-how into the future.

In 2016, I announ­ced that the Kata will be given a big­ger place in the future in karatepraxis-semi­nars. Your ans­wers in this sur­vey encou­ra­ge me. We are going to offer our exis­ting Kata-Effec­ti­ve-Bun­kai cour­ses inten­si­fied in order to share the fee­ling of how pre­cious kata can be and to show the various pos­si­bi­li­ties of appli­ca­ti­on.
On the next level the­re will be the Kata Bun­kai Expert cour­ses. Tho­se will focus on advan­ced stu­dents and the com­plex lear­ning and tea­ching sys­tem of this form. Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the­se cour­ses is only pos­si­ble after pri­or regis­tra­ti­on and for a maxi­mum of 20 par­ti­ci­pan­ts.
More infor­ma­ti­on are soon to come on this web­site.

Karatepraxis is a modern tra­di­ti­on.

Plea­se also beco­me a mem­ber of the Karatepraxis.com Face­book group and sub­scri­be to the same You­Tube chan­nel. You can get infor­ma­ti­on about Koshin­kan Kara­te on Koshinkan.de, at Face­book via ‘Koshin­kan Deutsch­land’ and also by cont­ac­ting me of cour­se.